Comels Store new products!!!!!!
Aamina & Yousof Talking Muslim Dolls!!
The first muslim doll that can speak! Press on their hands, feet and nose and they will recite Quranic words, phrases and surahs together with their meanings, including:
* Now with Tajweed - correct Arabic pronunciation
* As-Salamu'Alaikum
* Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem
* Al-hamdu lillah
* Subhanallah
* Insha'llah
* Jazakallah Khair
* Masha'llah
* La ilaha illallah, Muhammad dur Rasul'llah
* Surah Ikhlas followed by translation
* Surah Fatiha followed by translation
* A few Songs about Islam
It's perfect gift for birthdays, Eid or any other celebrations that a child would simply love this unique and adorable doll :)
Now open for pre order.
Ada dua pre order :
1)Stok available akan di pos pada hari esok 2 may 2013 (RM188 include postage) --->stok terhad,siapa cpt,dia dapat! Aamina hanya tinggal 3 unit lagi! Yousoff ada 5 unit lagi!
-->Hanya bayar full payment selewat lewatnya pada hari ini (sebelum pukul 10malam)
***Sekiranya semasa anda hubungi kami,stok available ini sudah kehabisan, jangan bimbang kerana kami akan buka satu lagi pre order utk bulan may:
2)Stok pre order untuk may dibuka bermula hari ini sehingga mid of may. Brg dijangka sampai pada end of may(paling cepat mid of May)
Harga pre order (RM199 include postage)
--->perlu deposit RM100 for booking. Baki dibayar selepas kami ready utk pos.
PM inbox fb page di Comels: Child of Mine Exciting Little Store for order
SMS/Wassap : 0173510627 for fast reply!
Utk borong : email ke
Agen dropship pon diperlukan. email kami utk diskaun agen!
"Bella received something wonderful yesterday.. a gift from Super Muslim Kids.
Meet Aamina, people.."
Aamina is a Muslim doll (who wears tudung!!) that can sneeze when you press her nose, then she’ll say “Alhamdullillah”.
If you press her right hand, she can recite Al-Fatihah and Al-Ikhlas with translation in English. Left hand, she’ll give salam, Bismillah, the syahadah.. Both right and left foot also will teaching our children (and ourselves!!)
If you press her right hand, she can recite Al-Fatihah and Al-Ikhlas with translation in English. Left hand, she’ll give salam, Bismillah, the syahadah.. Both right and left foot also will teaching our children (and ourselves!!)
Klik sini utk tengok video bagaimana Aamina talking doll berfungsi:
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